Saturday, March 30, 2024

Sunshine Blogger Award #???

Rachel at Hamlette's Soliloquy nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger award and I was able to answer her questions quickly so I actually completed it (I legit have like three old awards in my drafts that I never finished lol). 


  • Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog. 
  • Thank the person who nominated you. 
  • Provide a link to your nominator’s blog. 
  • Answer your nominator’s questions. 
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers. 
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions. 
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

I'm not going to nominate anyone but here are the answers to her great questions:

1. What's the first movie you have a memory of watching? 

Probably The Quiet Man (1952). My favorite scene was the kiss in 
the graveyard lol. I wanted to marry John Wayne when I grew up.

2. Have you ever written a fan letter to a celebrity?  (If so, did you get a reply?)

No. I've wanted to but never got around to it. I really need to write Robert Wagner...

3. What are the three funniest movies you have ever seen?

Off the top of my head: Son of Paleface (1952), Support Your 
Local Sheriff (1969), Robin Hood Men in Tights (1993).

4. What movie do you really want to change the ending of?

The World, the Flesh, and the Devil (1959). I want Inger Stevens to explicitly 
choose Harry Belafonte. Also any movie where John Wayne's character dies.

5. What movie do you wish had a sequel, but it doesn't?

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2016)!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

6. Who were your favorite actor and actress when you were a teen?

John Wayne and Judy Garland.

7. Who is your favorite actor and actress now?

It changes but if pressed I would say John Wayne for actor. I can't choose 
an actress. My favorite actress currently making movies is Emily Blunt.  

8. Does anyone else in your family love movies? 

We all watch old movies but my oldest younger brother is the closest to me in terms 
of the amount of old movies he watches in a year. He also owns the most dvds. 

Probably watching John Wayne.

9. If you could pick an actor/actress to play you in a movie, who would you choose?

That would be a really boring movie lol. Maybe Natalie Wood for little me.

Me at my 7th birthday party.

10. Do you ever watch a movie in the theater more than once?

Only one I went back to see a second time so far was The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2016).

My friend and I DIED laughing at this scene.

11. Are there any movies coming out in 2024 that you are looking forward to?

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare - Henry Cavill and director Guy Ritchie 
(The Man From U.N.C.L.E. I know it won't be as good but I'm still excited).

Thanks Rachel!!


  1. Love you to join us,

  2. Hey, that graveyard kiss is ultra-memorable! And swoony.

    I still need to see Paleface and Son of Paleface!

    Did I write question 5 with The Man from UNCLE in mind? Yes, I did. It is an absolute crime that we did not get our sequel. I was all prepared to buy some curly-whirly shoes to wear to opening night.

    The fact that John Wayne has been the favorite actor for both of us since our pre-teen years is probably a big factor for why we like each others' blogs so much ;-)

    Ungentlemanly Warfare has me intrigued too! Crossing my fingers...

    1. Nobody kisses like the Duke!

      Son of Paleface is much funnier than Paleface. I've only watched Paleface once compared to probably at least ten times for Son of Paleface. Lots of great quotes too :D

      I don't trust people who don't like John Wayne lol


      P.S. I picked up Whispering Smith at the library book sale for $1. Hoping to watch it soon :)

  3. Hi Phyllis! It was lovely learning more about you in this post. I just saw John Wayne today while watching his appearance on I Love Lucy :) That graveyard scene in The Quiet Man is soo romantic and dreamy. And I'm adding Son of Paleface to my list for when I need a good laugh, thanks!

    Also, I nominated you for a Sunshine Award, congrats! Here is my post if you'd like to check it out.

    1. That's a great episode! There are so many great quotes in Son of Paleface. It's better when watched with others that appreciate Bob Hope's humor.

      Thanks! Hopefully I'll get a chance to answer your great questions soon!
