Saturday, February 12, 2022

Bette's Hats & Reviews: Parachute Man (1933)

Bette has a Southern accent in this movie... it's not good lol.

Bette's 14th movie, and first for 1933, was Parachute Man starring Douglas Fairbanks Jr. "I was again a secretary," she writes in her autobiography The Lonely Life, "but I was also the mistress of a racketeer. A typist moll. Warners were vaguely aware, evidently, of a possible niche for me. It took patience on my part" (135).

You can see the texture of the hat in this photo (suede?).
Bette Davis is attractive as Alabama, who speaks with a most decided Southern drawl.

~ The New York Times 

That entrance tho..

Bette Davis is cute, photographically and orally, with a Southern accent that gets across.

~ Weekly Variety 


Davis, Bette. The Lonely Life: An Autobiography. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1962.
Ringgold, Gene. Bette Davis: Her Films and Career. Citadel Press. 1966, 1985.

1 comment:

  1. Those are totally cute hats! I'm not sure which one I like more.
